Chronology of Catholic Dioceses:Indonesia
See a list of abbreviations used in this list. See also our listing of current ecclesial jurisdictions.
- Funchal (established by the Portuguese, see footnote) - Portugal
- 1533
- Goa (detached from Funchal) - India
- 1558
- Malacca (detached from Goa) - Malaysia
- 1712
- Islands of the Indian Ocean (AP, detached from Malacca) - Indian Ocean
- 1818
- Bourbon (AP, new name, previously Islands of the Indian Ocean) - Reunion, Indian Ocean, etc.
Failed attempt:
- 1692
- Borneo (AV) - (Sultanate of Banjarmasin) Indonesia, Malaysia
- 1807
- Batavia (AP) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1826
- Batavia (AP, detached from Bourbon) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1841
- Batavia (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1902
- New Guinea / Langgur (AP, detached from Batavia AV) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1905
- Dutch Borneo (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1911
- Sumatra (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1913
- Lesser Sunda Islands (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1918
- Dutch Borneo (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1919
- Celebes (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1920
- Dutch New Guinea / Langgur (AV, and new name, previously New Guinea AP) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1922
- Lesser Sunda Islands (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1923
- Padang (AP, new name, previously Sumatra AP) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1923
- Bangka and Biliton (AP, detached from Sumatra AP) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1923
- Benkoelen (AP, detached from Sumatra AP) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1927
- Malang (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1928
- Surabaia (AP, detached from Batavia AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1932
- Padang (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1932
- Bandoeng / Bandung (AP, detached from Batavia AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1932
- Poerwokerto / Purwokerto (AP, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1934
- Celebes (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1936
- Dutch Timor (AV, detached from Lesser Sunda Islands AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1937
- Manado (AV, new name, previously Celebes AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1937
- Makassar (AP, detached from Celebes AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1938
- Bandjarmasin (AP, detached from Dutch Borneo) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1938
- Pontianak (D, and new name, previously Dutch Borneo AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1939
- Malang (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1939
- Palembang (AP, and new name, previously Benkoelen AP) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1940
- Semarang (AV, detached from Batavia) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1941
- Bandung (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1941
- Medan (AV, new name, previously Padang AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1941
- Surabaia (AV) - (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia
- 1948
- Atambua (AV, new name, previously Dutch Timor) - Indonesia
- 1948
- Makassar (AV) - Indonesia
- 1948
- Sintang (AP, detached from Pontianak) - Indonesia
- 1948
- Sukabumi (AP, detached from Batavia) - Indonesia
- 1949
- Amboina and the Island of New Guinea (AP, new name, previously Dutch New Guinea) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1949
- Bandjarmasin (AV) - Indonesia
- 1949
- Hollandia (AP, detached from Dutch New Guinea) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1949
- Indonesia (Mil.Ord.) - Indonesia
- 1950
- Djakarta (AV, new name, previously Batavia AV) - Indonesia
- 1950
- Denpasar (AP, detached from Lesser Sunda Islands AV) - Indonesia
- 1950
- Merauke (AV, detached from Amboina and the Island of New Guinea) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1951
- Endeh (AV, and new name, previously Lesser Sunda Islands AP) - Indonesia
- 1951
- Pangkal-Pinang (AV, and new name, previously Bangka and Biliton AP) - Indonesia
- 1951
- Larantuka (AV, detached from Lesser Sunda Islands AV) - Indonesia
- 1951
- Ruteng (AV, detached from Lesser Sunda Islands, AV) - Indonesia
- 1952
- Tandjung-Karang (AP, detached from Palembang AP) - Indonesia
- 1952
- Padang (AP, detached from Palembang AP) - Indonesia
- 1954
- Hollandia (AV) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1954
- Ketapang (AP, detached from Pontianak) - Indonesia
- 1955
- Samarinda (AV, detached from Bandjarmasin) - Indonesia
- 1956
- Sintang (AV, detached from Pontianak) - Indonesia
- 1957
- Purwokerto (AV) - Indonesia
- 1959
- Manokwari (AP, detached from Hollandia) - (Dutch New Guinea) Indonesia
- 1959
- Sibolga (AP, detached from Medan) - Indonesia
- 1959
- Weetebula (AP, detached from Endeh) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Atambua - Indonesia
- 1961
- Bandjarmasin - Indonesia
- 1961
- Bandung - Indonesia
- 1961
- Bogor (D, and new name, previously Sukabumi AP) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Denpasar - Indonesia
- 1961
- Djakarta (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Endeh (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Ketapang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Makassar (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Malang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Manado - Indonesia
- 1961
- Medan (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Padang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Palembang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Pangkal-Pinang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Pontianak (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Purwokerto - Indonesia
- 1961
- Ruteng - Indonesia
- 1961
- Samarinda - Indonesia
- 1961
- Semarang (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1961
- Sintang - Indonesia
- 1961
- Surabaia - Indonesia
- 1961
- Tandjung-Karang - Indonesia
- 1963
- Kota Baru (AV, new name, previously Hollandia AV) - Indonesia
- 1964
- Sukarnapura (AV, new name, previously Kota Baru AV) - Indonesia
- 1966
- Manokwari - Indonesia
- 1966
- Merauke (Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1966
- Sukarnapura - Indonesia
- 1967
- Kupang (detached from Atambua) - Indonesia
- 1968
- Sekadau (AP, detached from Pontianak, and from Ketapang) - Indonesia
- 1969
- Djajapura (new name, previously Sukarnapura) - Indonesia
- 1969
- Weetebula - Indonesia
- 1969
- Agats (detached from Merauke) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Banjarmasin (new name, previously Bandjarmasin) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Jakarta (Metr., new name, previously Djakarta Metr.) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Jayapura (new name, previously Djajapura) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Surabaja (new name, previously Surabaia) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Tanjungkarang (D, new name, previously Tandjung-Karang AP) - Indonesia
- 1973
- Ujung Pandang (Metr., new name, previously Makassar) - Indonesia
- 1974
- Ende (Metr., new name, previously Endeh) - Indonesia
- 1974
- Manokwari-Sorong (new name, previously Manokwari) - Indonesia
- 1980
- Sibolga - Indonesia
- 1982
- Sanggau (D, new name, previously Sekadau AP, also detached from Pontianak) - Indonesia
- 1989
- Kupang (Metr., was part of the Metropolitan Province of Ende) - Indonesia
- 1993
- Palangkaraya (detached from Banjarmasin) - Indonesia
- 2000
- Makassar (Metr., new name, previously Ujung Pandang) - Indonesia
- 2002
- Tanjung Selor (detached from Samarinda) - Indonesia
- 2003
- Palembang (Metr., was part of the Metropolitan Province of Medan) - Indonesia
- 2003
- Samarinda (Metr., was part of the Metropolitan Province of Pontianak) - Indonesia
- 2004
- Timika (detached from Jayapura) - Indonesia
- 2005
- Maumere (detached from Ende) - Indonesia
- 2019
- Pangkalpinang (new name, previously Pangkal-Pinang) - Indonesia
- 2024
Labuan Bajo (detached from Ruteng) - Indonesia