Pressetalsmann svarer New York Times

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P. Federico Lombardi, Vatikanets pressetalsmann, kommenterte fredag dagens artikkel i New York Times vedrørende pave Benedikts tid som erkebiskop i Munchen:

Holy See Press Office Director Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J., questioned by journalists concerning a new New York Times article, which appeared on 26 March and concerns the period in which Cardinal Ratzinger was archbishop of Munich, referred them to this morning's public denial in a communique published by the archdiocese of Munich, which reads:

"The article in the New York Times contains no new information beyond that which the archdiocese has already communicated concerning the then archbishop's knowledge of the situation of Father H."

Thus the archdiocese confirms the position, according to which the then archbishop had no knowledge of the decision to reassign Father H. to pastoral activities in a parish.

It rejects any other version of events as mere speculation.

The then vicar general, Msgr. Gerhard Gruber, has assumed full responsibility for his own erroneous decision to reassign Father H. to pastoral activity.

VIS - Vatican Information Service (26. mars 2010)

av Webmaster publisert 26.03.2010, sist endret 19.01.2011 - 15:59